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Church Magazines

Revelation-Press began printing magazines in 1985. Our mission was to produce a magazine at a price churches could afford. 

A preacher friend of mine had a favourite saying, "Life goes on brother, life goes on."  And so must we!  The world is an ever changing place and we must all adapt to the new circumstances we find ourselves in . . .

Of course,  in the past twenty years printing has, through the introduction of new technology changed vastly and it is possible now for churches to print their own magazines as some do. But, I believe that revelation-press filled a gap for two decades and this site is not only an advertisement for revelation-press,  but also a thank you to those who supported us and to those who worked tirelessly for this company.

We  still produce about fourteen publications on a part-time basis and have plenty of capacity for several more so why not join us.  Praise be to God and in our confidence in Him we can say. "God is with us always."

Regards, John  (November 2013)


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